Lindsey Hood

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Do you realise how awesome you already are?

Congratulations - you are a success!

You have got your ideal job. You nailed the interview - you were confident, gave great examples of your experiences, competencies and skills - you were so excited for the opportunity and knew you would be awesome if you got the role. And the hiring manager believed this to!  

Fast forward a few weeks or months, and now the reality has settled in for you and you are doubting yourself. You are panicking about what you don’t know or understand at the moment. You feel like a fraud and all confidence is ebbing away. You are struggling to sleep, you are putting in more hours, but the to-do lists are not getting any smaller, you feel out of control and this feeling of anxiety is growing on a day-by-day basis.

You are a swan - perfectly calm looking, but under the water the legs are frantically trying to keep you going in the right direction!

You are not alone. You are not a fraud. You are genuinely awesome.  

Imagine waking up each morning with a sense of excitement about the potential of what the day holds, walking tall with a sense of purpose, being fully present in each moment, speaking up confidently and making decisions as the expert you are, commanding the respect you deserve.

I firmly believe that change is possible but you need to want it and be willing to work for it. It doesn’t need to be hard, but you do need a plan - a way to get from where you are now to where you want to be - and a way to be accountable for consistently making the small changes required to habits, mindset and behaviours to achieve your goals and develop new, more resourceful ways of being, thinking and doing. No-one chooses to stay somewhere they don’t want to be, but you sometimes feel stuck because you don’t have the space, time or strategies to take a different approach to a situation.

I can coach you, so you can develop a deeper level of self awareness. Working together, you will learn more about what natural abilities you have and how to harness these to gain even greater success in your career. I can hold you accountable. This is all about you, the real, authentic you, and by appreciating yourself, in all your uniqueness, you will develop a deep sense of who you are and an inner confidence around your awesomeness.

What is coaching though?

Coaching is a personal development ‘tool’ to help get you from where you are now, to where you want to be. The coach asks questions that:

  • help guide you through your current situation

  • support you in understanding the importance of your goals for you

  • give you time and space to think about things from a different perspective

  • explore all the options available to you to move forward.

But what exactly happens in a coaching session?

If you are being coached by me, I will generally start the session by asking what you would like to achieve from the coaching session. This creates focus and means we can check at the end of the session how effective our time together has been.

Depending on what we are working on, I will then start asking questions to support you in gaining clarity about your current situation and/or your desired future state. If appropriate, we will discuss any ‘obstacles’ to you achieving your end goal, and then discuss ideas on how to overcome these. You are always in control and if there are any topics you don’t want to discuss, you say so, and we move on. Coaching isn’t therapy, although we do sometimes touch on some emotionally charged subjects as they might be part of where you are now, or a reason you are struggling to move forward. However, I am not a psychologist or mental health professional, so the conversations will always remain on finding solutions and action plans to progress towards your goals.

By the end of the session, I will ask you what you commit to do after the session to take your insights and learnings from the session, and make them into actions that move you forward.

What would I come to coaching for?

Without wanting to do myself out of a job, the reality is you don’t need a life coach - but what having a coach does is give you a faster, personalised way of achieving any goal you may have.

I have coached individuals to:

  • deepen their self awareness so they can understand themselves better and make choices that are more aligned to living a life that is authentic to them

  • achieve their business goals by removing mindset issues around money (you can read more about this type of case study here)

  • understand what confidence means to them and how to increase this so they could go for a promotion at work

  • reduce anxiety so they can sleep on a Sunday evening, ahead of work on a Monday

  • have strategies that work for them to overcome feelings of being an imposter

  • create and action a plan to achieve a particular study goal in a set timeframe

  • design and execute on a professional development plan to secure a job promotion

  • cultivate a more positive mindset as they were fed up with always seeing the downside of situations

You can read more testimonials on how I’ve helped women achieve their goals here.

I believe in you and can help you re-believe in yourself

I’m a qualified life and executive coach, but I will never claim to be the expert in your life - that is totally you! I believe in you and your potential. My years of training, and the professional development I commit to continue to take in the future, mean I am the expert in coaching - asking the right questions to help you unlock the answers, to challenge your current thinking, to support new perspectives, and to give you space to explore new ideas and thoughts. I can guide you on your journey, but I will never take away from you that this is your journey. You are empowered to make the changes that you feel are necessary in your life - or to stay where you currently are - the choice is always yours.

If you want to learn more about the exciting ways we can work together to help you achieve your life goals, click below!